The terms of engagement for some of the residential suvey and valuation reports we offer are listed below:
RICS Home Survey Level 3
(All ages and types of residential property, unless very old, large or complex)
RICS Home Survey Level 2 (Survey only)(usually 1920's residential property onwards)
RICS Home Survey Level 2 (Survey and Valuation)(usually 1920's residential property onwards - includes a Market Valuation)
Snagging Report(New build property only)
The Marshalls Building Survey Report
(All ages and types of residential property, but best for very large, old or complicated properties)
Residential Market Valuation Report(For general valuations, including shared ownership, Help to Buy etc.)
Inheritance Tax Valuation Report(For the purposes of obtaining probate.)
Charities Act Valuation Report(For purchase or disposal by Charities.)
Capital Gains Tax Valuation Report(For the purposes of section 272
Taxation and Chargeable gains Act 1992)
You have the statutory right to cancel, without giving any reason, within 14 days of your formal instructions (you can tell us verbally or in writing).
However, if you have asked us to proceed with your instructions immediately,
you may be charged an amount which is proportionate to the work already undertaken. If our instructions have been fully completed within the 14 day cancellation period, your right to cancel will be lost.
Marshalls will not proceed with the instructions if, after arriving at the
property, we conclude:
a) that it is of a type of construction of which we have insufficient specialist
knowledge to be
able to complete the instruction satisfactorily; or
b) that it would be in the typical Client's best interests to be provided with
an alternative type of inspection, rather than the service instructed.
In case of such cancellation, Marshalls will refund any money paid by the
Client for the Service and the reason(s) will be fully explained to the Client.